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We are taking precautions to keep you safe

Vanilla Pods’ Saftey Measures to beat COVID-19 spread
If you feel unwell or have any signs of a cold, please stay at home and do not visit us for your own safety and others

  • We are adapting the national guidelines for reopening our store during this COVID-19 period.
  • With social distancing at the top of our priorities, our tables are set at an acceptable distance from other visitors (2 meters) example image
  • Our waiters will adhere to the utmost safety for our customers. Wearing gloves and face masks (gloves/face mask image)
  • We will wipe down our tables, door handles and counter tops on a regular basis (disinfectant image)
  • We have put up signs and stickers to create awareness
  • Our Take away and deliveries adhere to the highest standards of safety with contact-less deliveries

General information on do's and don'ts during the COVID-19 period


Do Not Share Eating

Stop having food around those who ask you for it.


Don’t Touch Your Face or Nose

Avoid animals (alive or dead), animal markets, and products that come from animals (such as uncooked meat).


Avoid Contact with Sick People

Avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness.


Avoid Crowded Places (Social Distancing)

As an individual, you can lower your risk of infection by reducing your rate of contact with other people.


Wash Your Hands For 20sec

Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.


Wear a Mask if Available

You should continue to use the surgical mask in all public places until you are advised.


Cover Nose When Sneezing

Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when coughing or sneezing.


Seek Medical Care Regularly

Regular health checks can identify any early signs of health issues.